🛠️ Welcome to Stouputils Documentation ==================================================================================================== **Versions**: `latest <../latest/index.html>`_, `v1.2.10 <../v1.2.10/index.html>`_, `v1.2.9 <../v1.2.9/index.html>`_, `v1.2.8 <../v1.2.8/index.html>`_, `v1.2.7 <../v1.2.7/index.html>`_, `v1.2.4 <../v1.2.4/index.html>`_, `v1.2.2 <../v1.2.2/index.html>`_, `v1.2.1 <../v1.2.1/index.html>`_, `v1.2.0 <../v1.2.0/index.html>`_, `v1.0.22 <../v1.0.22/index.html>`_, `v1.0.21 <../v1.0.21/index.html>`_ .. role:: raw-html-m2r(raw) :format: html 🛠️ Project Badges ================= .. image:: https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/Stoupy51/stouputils?logo=github&label=GitHub :target: https://github.com/Stoupy51/stouputils/releases/latest :alt: GitHub .. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/stouputils?logo=python&label=PyPI%20downloads :target: https://pypi.org/project/stouputils/ :alt: PyPI - Downloads .. image:: https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/Stoupy51/stouputils?logo=sphinx&label=Documentation&color=purple :target: https://stoupy51.github.io/stouputils/latest/ :alt: Documentation 📚 Project Overview =================== Stouputils is a collection of utility modules designed to simplify and enhance the development process.\ :raw-html-m2r:`
` It includes a range of tools for tasks such as execution of doctests, display utilities, decorators, as well as context managers. 🚀 Project File Tree ==================== .. code-block:: bash stouputils/ ├── applications/ │ ├── automatic_docs.py # 📚 Documentation generation utilities (used to create this documentation) │ └── ... │ ├── continuous_delivery/ │ ├── cd_utils.py # 🔧 Common utilities for continuous delivery │ ├── github.py # 📦 GitHub utilities (upload_to_github) │ ├── pypi.py # 📦 PyPI utilities (pypi_full_routine) │ ├── pyproject.py # 📝 Pyproject.toml utilities │ └── ... │ ├── print.py # 🖨️ Display utilities (info, debug, warning, error) ├── io.py # 💻 I/O utilities (file management, json) ├── decorators.py # 🎯 Decorators (silent, measure_time, error_handler, simple_cache) ├── ctx.py # 🚫 Context managers (Muffle, LogToFile) ├── archive.py # 📦 Archive utilities (zip, repair_zip) ├── parallel.py # 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Parallel processing (multiprocessing, multithreading) ├── collections.py # 🧰 Collection utilities (unique_list) ├── all_doctests.py # ✅ Execution of all doctests for a given path ├── backup.py # 📦 Backup utilities (delta backup, consolidate) └── ... ⭐ Star History --------------- .. raw:: html Star History Chart 📖 Module Documentation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 10 modules/stouputils